A convoy of camels was going somewhere.
Along the way, at night the camels were supposed to be tied to a cord. The cord was a little less which resulted in leaving one camel untied.
Feared that the camel was not tied, the owner was scared that it might run away in the night. The owner saw a hut nearby where a sage used to stay. He decided to visit the sage & take his opinion on how to get out of the tricky situation.
Sage was very wise & learned.
He suggested, as the caravan owner did not have any rope in his hand so he should just pretend making 2-3 twists of an imaginary rope round the camel's neck & tie it down to a peg & make the camel sit down. The caravan owner did the same & the camel sat.
Camel convoy was scheduled to leave in the morning & the owner decided to sit on the same camel. The moment he approached the camel, the camel did not stand. Every effort at the time was made but it did not matter & the camel barely moved!
The owner of the caravan approached the sage again.
Sage asked, " Did you open the rope to which the camel was tied?"
The owner said, "As there was just an imaginary rope, so I did not bother to open it up."
The sage smiled & said, "Open the imaginary rope in the similar manner as you tied it."
The caravan owner did the same & the camel was instantly up & about to sail to the desert.
Moral of the story: All of us are tied to such illusionary ropes which are called relationship bonds. In order to move ahead in out spiritual lives, we need to untie the ropes which have caught our feet or necks.
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